Freelance Writer, Dramaturg, and Story Development Midwife
Pride and Pretense:
The Incomplete Works of a Young Woman
YA Fiction, in process
It’s 1995 in a Southern California Town. Alice, a teenager with a fevered imagination, is trying to figure out who she really is, not just the characters she lives through in books, movies, and theatre. After several failed attempts at boyfriends and a bout of depression, she discovers there are other options available to her. (At least she won’t have another pregnancy scare dating girls.) But when her parents discover she has a girlfriend, they ground her—think Siberia, 1860. For Alice to be with her new true love, she is forced to create a fake boyfriend. Will she continue the pretense with her Mr. Darcy or will she find the strength to proclaim her authentic self and stand by her love?
This coming-of-age novel is inspired by my experiences of coming out in the 90s, back before visible LGBT icons offered examples of what was possible, back when you had to write your own road map.
The Ferryman
Short Story, Thanatos Review, Fall 2022
In order to fully enjoy the last years of his life, Jake must find and train a suitable replacement to carry on the crucial job of ferrying those in need to the other side. This short story was recently published online in a death-positive literary journey.
Walking with Little Amal to Raise Awareness for Refugees
Article, SEA Homeschoolers Magazine, Fall 2023
Did you know that the number of displaced children world-wide is over 43 million or that 1.2 billion people are estimated to become climate refugees by 2025? That is where Amal, a beguiling 12-foot puppet representing a 10-year-old Syrian refugee, comes in. This article highlights her trek across America in 2023.